What to do about the old toilet block?

Your views needed before 24 November!
After some consideration, we think that the limited purposes to which the building might be used will make it difficult to access the funding necessary to refurbish it.
But what to do?
Suggest the City Council make it available for commercial lease?
Suggest the City Council demolish it?
Do you have ideas for uses?
Would you prefer demolition?
Do you want to become involved in this issue?
Let us know by 24 November by commenting here or visiting us on Facebook.


Accounts for AGM 10 Sept 2015, 7.30pm, Dove Coffee Lounge, Murrayfield Parish Church Centre, 2b Ormidale Terrace

The 2014/15 accounts for the AGM, which cover the year until 30 June 2015, can now be viewed on the Management Info page of this site.

The AGM is open to all and we look forward to seeing you there.

You can be elected to the committee without coming to the AGM but should let us know in advance that you wish to be elected.

Cake Day: Thanks and Congratulations To All

We like to get things right, so if we have misspelled your name, missed you out, or made some other mistake please get in touch and we would love to change it.


The bakers

Thea, Katie, Molly, Zoe, Rosie, Jasmine, Lea, Sienna, Rosanna, Pete, Ruby, Isabel, Kathryn, Judith, Sarah, Dan, Grace, Jordan, Ian & Julie.  Thanks and Congratulations.  In case you didn’t hang around to see it, EVERY SINGLE piece of EVERY entry was sold and eaten. Nothing was left, at all. So everyone’s cakes were much-desired and everyone’s cakes helped Friends of Roseburn Park.

Our great judges

Brendan O’Connor of Fisher’s In The City
Nick Rae of Buna

Our supporters

JRM Coachworks
Roseburn Primary School After School Club and PTA, Jacky Gardner and Mario
Murrayfield Ice Rink
Murrayfield Indoor Sports Club
Alastair Ross at The Grange Club Edinburgh
Ian Shiels at Murrayfield DAFS Cricket Club

Our helpers

Ruby Anderson, who did the flowers, and Emilia Brown. Laura Howarth, who wielded the cake knife. Ali, Ian, Jim and others who helped with various things. All sorts of people who helped clear up.

Extra Congratulations

And the official record of winners is:

The People’s Choice (By Visual Inspection and Secret Ballot)

  1. Sara McGreehin’s Roseburn Park Chocolate Swiss Roll

Under-12 Category

  1. Jordan Porphyre’s Jurassic Park
  2. Molly Jamieson’s Smiley Face Cup Cakes
  3. Zoe Lamb’s Book Cake
  4. Rosie Flynn’s Brownie

Everyone Else Category

  1. Isabel Blythe’s Carrot Cake
  2. Ian Batty’s Apple Sponge Cream
  3. Kathryn O’Sullivan’s Bakewell Tart
  4. Judith Lamb’s Lemon Drizzle Cake

Thank you everyone!

Cake competition! With tea and juice (and cake), in Roseburn Park, Sunday 30 August, 2pm.

You heard it here first, so let’s get baking!  Or just come along and get eating!

All proceeds towards the renovation of the Community Building

  • Prizes to be announced.
  • Age categories: Under-twelves; Everyone Else.
  • Cost of competition entry: £1 and the donation of your masterpiece so that we can sell slices after it has been judged.

Even if you don’t enter, come along and have some tea (and cake).

Thank You!

Thanks to everyone who came along to the Fun Day last month, everyone who donated prizes, and everyone who helped out!

There are loads of people and organisations to thank (it takes SO many people).

In no particular order:

Anne Turner, Anne Anderson, Carolann Miller, John Lamb, Ian Sheils, Aino Kattelus, Helena Huws, Fiona Havill, Jack Havill, Richard Havill, Freya Batty, Marie Martin, Julie Happer, Denise Brown, Allette Willis, Kim Hunter, Jennifer Welsh, Kirsten Fleetwood, June Lodge, Emma O’ Connor, Graham Anderson, Ruby Anderson, Krystal Badenoch,  Gregor Grant, Duncan Robertson, Georgia Robertson, Blair, Jess, Jean, Alix, Greg, Darren, Ali… (Please let us know if you are not on this list – for us, if not for you)

JRM Coachworks
House of Hound
Catalyst Event Production Services
Saughtonhall Community Association
Roseburn Primary School
Craigmount High School
Corstorphine Chess Club
Murrayfield Table Tennis Club 
Murrayfield Wanderers
Murrayfield DAFS Cricket Club 
Fiona Dyer Zumba
Elite Dancing Studio
Miss Veronica’s Highland Dance Troupe 
Sarah Boyack MSP
City of Edinburgh Councillors Balfour, Edie
Bloemen Ecke
Eat n Joy – 49 Roseburn Terrace
Anita Glasby Opticians
Scottish Rugby Union
Maybury’s Gifts and Cards
Murrayfield Bar
Grease Monkey Cycles
Kelly’s Burgers
Thalon Soulis Hair Stylist 
Smoothies Beauty Clinic 
Murrayfield Indoor Sports 
Murrayfield Ice Rink
Artisan Roast 






Draft accounts published for AGM on 25 Sept

The draft accounts for FoRP’s year ending 30 June 2014 are available on the Management Info page of this website.  These are currently under independent scrutiny with a view to being considered at the AGM.

The AGM is on Thursday 25 September 2014, 730pm, Murrayfield Parish Church Centre (Dove Coffee Lounge).  All are welcome. If you wish to stand for the Board, or get more involved, or raise an issue, please contact us: friendsofroseburnpark@hotmail.co.uk

Chess at the Fun Day, Sunday 31 August

Corstorphine Chess Club will be there! Here’s some information about them:


(Sponsored by DMD Law LLP)

Corstorphine Chess Club meets each Monday from the beginning of September to the end of June from 7 to 10pm in the Guild Room of St Anne’s Church 1 Kaimes Road. We are always glad to see new or prospective members of any age or gender, whether experienced or new to the game.

We have 2 teams of 6 players, one in Division 1 and one in Division 3 of the Chess Edinburgh Leagues, and also enter a few other team and individual competitions as well as having our own domestic competitions.

However, it is not all competitive. Most Mondays we just play friendly games among ourselves. Two of our members also teach chess at Roseburn Primary School.

Come along and give it a try without obligation, visit our web-site at www.corstorphinechess.co.uk or contact me for more information.

Ian Alexander, Secretary, Corstorphine Chess Club, 18 Craigmount View, Edinburgh EH12 8BT. Telephone 0131 339 5148; email corstorphinechess@gmail.com