From this..
.. to THIS 
We are fundraising to convert our disused toilet block into a charming snug cafe.
The block sits on the Water of Leith path, in the shadow of Murrayfield Stadium;
as a community café it will help support local jobs and volunteering
opportunities, while providing a warm and accessible space for local people
to meet up. Not only does the conversion have the backing of residents, it
has planning permission and the support of the Council who’ve agreed to a
lease. Income from the cafe will help to support the Friends’ other projects
to improve the amenity and quality of the Park.
We started crowdfunding in September 2019 on the same date as our Mural launch and since then we’ve raised £11,632 with our “buy a brick” scheme (with Gift Aid), which has now closed. We are presently submitting funding bids for the remaining cash and hope to have positive news by Xmas 2020.
To see our business plan for the cafe, click here.
See our