Playpark Launch 7th Dec 2018


The Lord Provost, Cllr Frank Ross  cut the ribbon to launch the long-awaited Roseburn Play park on 7th Dec 2018. Costing £90,000 and almost 10 years in development, the playpark had been held up by the flood defence works. The old playpark catering for a small age range – kids up to 6 – was worn out and was cold in the shadow of Murrayfield stadium. And the flood defences left it isolated and cut off from the rest of the Park. The new one is at the east entrance of the Park in an open sunny spot, has much more equipment and caters for children up to age 12.

It’s taken a long time and almost didn’t happen. In 2016, the then convener of the Council Environmental Committee, who oversaw the £23M Flood Prevention scheme at Roseburn, Cllr Leslie Hinds, fought to ensure that Roseburn did not lose out in the face of the austerity cuts that were crippling the Council. The West Edinburgh Environmental Sub-Committee stepped in to ensure the playpark was built. Council staff David Sinclair (local Environment Manager) and Ritchie Fraser (Parks officer) worked with Sub-Committee Convener, Cllr Robert Aldridge after the Friends of Roseburn Park (FoRP) made a successful plea for funding to the Sub-Committee in January 2016, to ensure the project went ahead. Council playpark design staff James Galloway and Alan Grevers then worked with Friends of Roseburn Park who brought in the schoolchildren at Roseburn Primary School to help shape the design.

Now, two years on, the work of many has come to fruition and the Friends of Roseburn Park extended a warm wintery welcome to children and their parents to try out the swings and roundabouts on a cold Friday afternoon at 2.30pm. The police were there to stamp bikes with ID badges to help trace them if they get nicked; there were prizes for the quiz asking which bits of the design were from the local kids. MW Groundworks Ltd of West Calder have been working on site for over two months on the build and were pleased with the finished product.

The playpark includes a UniMini Apista climbing frame for kids to age 6, a sand pit, a play mound, a tunnel, a Uniplay Ipex climber for older children, cradle swings for toddlers, a basket swing for tweenies, normal swings, a picnic table, a tunnel, a balance beam, stepping logs, a cone net rotating climber, play boulders* and a stilt walk – all surrounded by a new beech hedge. Residents organised by FoRP have been out planting 5,000 bulbs by the playpark and everywhere else and refreshing the nearby planters to help make the park look beautiful come the spring. The school’s new Head Teacher, Natalie Borrowman, has worked with FoRP and the contractor to get local children involved, the better to create a sense of ownership by the area’s young people, who must help care for the new playpark in the future.

FoRP Chairperson Pete Gregson said “Thanks to the Council, children from Roseburn, Riversdale and Murrayfield now have a new place to go and have fun, get fit and make new friends. This is a key element in helping the area recover from the flood prevention work. It will bring new faces to the park over the years to come. And their parents will have somewhere new to gossip. The Council and the West Neighbourhood Partnership have worked hard with everybody to make this project work. We are truly delighted.”

The children who got the quiz answers right were Lucy Booth, who observed the design was changed to add the tunnel; Lucy has won tickets to the ice rink.

The other big winner was Max Kevios who noted the “birly Thing” aka the cone net rotating climber, was added after various school suggestions; Max won a box game.

.*The Play Boulders were left out due to financial pressures; FoRP are exploring whether they might supply these themselves

Here is the promotional flyer:

Here is one more photo:

A Roseburn Primary School pupil took this selfie

The Evening News of 10th December carried this story

Noise Survey on Murrayfield SRU events

Please help local student Luke out by completing this survey on noise pollution in the area “Community Noise Survey Murrayfield, Roseburn, Balgreen & Corstorphine.”

The research he is  conducting is part of his postgraduate thesis in Environmental Health.

Specifically, he is looking at noise from Murrayfield stadium. There is essentially 2 parts to it. The first is to physically measure noise from the stadium to see if it meets the required licensing conditions and legal requirements. This also includes measuring noise from sources associated with the stadium which is not subject to specific regulation e.g. crowds going to the stadium.

The second part is to see how this noise actually affects the local residential population. The perception and effects of noise are affected by individual and situational factors. This is what he is measuring via the survey.

The results will be available next year

Survey Results on Toilet Block

What to do with the toilet block?

Toilet block now

Our problems with the block are outlined here and here as well

Our survey of local preferences, over a 1-month period and closing on the 16th Sept, was advertised widely – on 200 flyers in shops, on the toilet block itself, at our public events to around 200 people, on Facebook and on our website. It drew 74 responses.

83% were in favour of leasing it commercially as a cafe with toilet attached. 15% said to demolish it.

We believe that this high level of support indicates we should work with the Council to market this dilapidated property.

Given the enormous challenges and expense of refurbishment, with a building at permanent risk of future flooding, we propose the Council leases it on terms akin to those that were originally offered to FoRP, at a peppercorn rent of £1 a year for 25 years, with the permission to sub-let.

This proposal will require Council Committee approval, but we would like to get the ball rolling on this, so are discussing the way forward with the Estates team.

Bake-off 2018 – new friends for the Friends

Another great bake-off! Thanks so much to all the brilliant volunteers and bakers. We made £160 profit today; maybe we only got 100 folk instead of the usual 200 and 9 cakes instead of the 30 we got last time because the school had a bake-off on Friday to say goodbye to the Head.. But the Friends made some lovely new friends!

We were helped by the FoRP Committee, Patricia Simpson, Laura Howarth, Declan Egar, Jane Stevenson, Lynne Schyma and James Kinnear, Scott Douglas, Mary McHugh, George Randall and PC Sam Davison (+ colleague) who was doing free Bike ID stamps. And Michelle from Fallen Tree Workshop in Perth who did hot drinks. Roseburn Primary School, Murrayfield DAFs and Murrayfield Wanderers helped by loaning us kit. Judges were Nic from Buna and Brendan from Fishers. Ritchie Fraser from Edinburgh Council helped us get the grass white-lined for races.

Prizes for cakes and the raffle came from Roseburn traders: House of Hound, Thallon Soullis, Art et Facts, Roseburn Café, Simon Smith Collectibles, Roseburn Bar, Brendan Haddock, Roseburn Shoe Repairs, Tescos, Eat’n’Joy, Buna, Delta Takeaway, Cafe Colpamia, Right Medicine, Ice Rink; Murrayfield Indoor Bowling, Vigo’s

Baking winners were Alix Dickson, Jasmine Flynn, Judith Lamb, Dan Ratcliffe, Grace Ratcliffe, Emile Poedke, James Kinnear, Zoe Lamb

New play park contractor appointed

After much waiting, we have received the following from the City Council:

“we now have a contractor in place to undertake the play works in the park.
MW Groundworks
Proposed start date: 27 August 2018
Proposed completion date: 18 October 2018″

Have your say – cycle path trial consultation

The trial of the white lines and sight lines in the centre of the park is over, and now you can say what you think in the latest phase of the consultation here:

The Council Officers said to use that they had no specific plans to extend the white lines over the whole of the route in the park (at present they are just on the approaches to the centre).  But if you have views about that possibility we suggest you air them.

There is also a bit of intro which you can check it out here: Roseburn_Park_Trial_Consultation_Summary_Sheet.


Edinburgh Rugby planning application for Murrayfield back pitches

Edinburgh Rugby (the professional club) have submitted a planning application for a 7,800 capacity stadium on Murrayfield’s back pitches.

The relationship between this development and the ejection of Murrayfield Wanderers (the non-professional club) from Murrayfield is unclear.  Murrayfield Wanderers are controversially interested in relocating to Roseburn Park.

Artists impression of Edinburgh Rugby's plans for Murrayfield stadium back pitches.

Artists impression of Edinburgh Rugby’s plans for Murrayfield stadium back pitches.

Play park latest…

For those wondering about the new play park… a contractor has been appointed and they are expected to start in May and end in July (though last time was said something similar it was start in March and end in May)…