Author Archives: Hamish
Flood Prevention Phase 2 – some engagement details
Agenda for a recent stakeholder engagement meeting contains some maps, issues and dates: 13May_Appendix_1_Presentation (PDF 2.1 MB)
And notes of the meeting: Engagement_Meeting_13May_Note_FINAL (PDF 565 KB)
Flood prevention Phase 2 open day 20 February
The open day is at Saughtonhall Community Association Hall from 2pm – 8pm. The notice is attached here: Floodnotice
EGM constitution alterations (for 30 January)
The required changes include some technicalities about managing membership and the role of Trustees, and the precise wording of FoRP’s aims. These proposals can be seen on the Management Info part of this website. These changes are at the request of the OSCaR the Scottish charities regulator, in order to allow our application for charitable status to proceed.
EGM and Public Meeting Thurs 30 Jan 2014
We are holding a public meeting on Thursday 30 January at 7.30 pm in the Dove Coffee Lounge, Murrayfield Parish Church, Ormidale Terrace.
We will be giving an update on current and future developments in the park and welcoming ideas and suggestions for areas we could be working on.
We need to approve some amendments to the new constitution in order to fulfil requirements for our application for charitable status therefore the meeting will also include a short EGM. Please note only members will be eligible to vote on this.
The required changes include some technicalities about managing membership and the role of Trustees, and the precise wording of FoRP’s aims. These proposals can be seen on the Management Info part of this website.
We hope you will come along and share your views. Please pass this on to anyone you think may be interested in the future of the park.
Roseburn Primary School plant 4,000 bulbs in park
FoRP thanks…
The Fun Day generated about £900 despite the high winds so thanks for everyone who came along and joined-in. Also, it takes LOTS of volunteers to put it on so special thanks to:
Michael, Gregor, Ann, Jennifer, Angela, Jackie, Jean, Alette, Diane, Andrew, Richard, Duncan, Georgia, May, Graham, Lorna, Don, Ivana, Martin, Carolanne, Stuart, Georgia, Denise, Marie, Aino, Ann-Marie, Anu, Emily, Julia, Patricia, John, Blair, Andy, Saskia, Kristi, Ruby, Emilia, Alix, Julie. (We are REALLY sorry if we missed you out – please tell us).
Member of FoRP? Please volunteer next time – it really needs this many people.
Thanks, too, to everyone who donated bric-a-brac and prizes, and to the business and organisations that are essential to making it happen:
Fun Day photos
This gallery contains 6 photos.
Painting of wire fence at northeast entrance to park completed
FoRP thanks the Community Payback Team, the JASS pupils from Roseburn Primary School, and other volunteers for this great improvement to the park entrance.