What to do with the toilet block?
Our problems with the block are outlined here and here as well
Our survey of local preferences, over a 1-month period and closing on the 16th Sept, was advertised widely – on 200 flyers in shops, on the toilet block itself, at our public events to around 200 people, on Facebook and on our website. It drew 74 responses.
83% were in favour of leasing it commercially as a cafe with toilet attached. 15% said to demolish it.
We believe that this high level of support indicates we should work with the Council to market this dilapidated property.
Given the enormous challenges and expense of refurbishment, with a building at permanent risk of future flooding, we propose the Council leases it on terms akin to those that were originally offered to FoRP, at a peppercorn rent of £1 a year for 25 years, with the permission to sub-let.
This proposal will require Council Committee approval, but we would like to get the ball rolling on this, so are discussing the way forward with the Estates team.