Consultation and draft park plan

We are consulting on how to improve the park after the floodworks.

There is a draft plan based on initial discussions with Council
officers. We need to find out what park users think of those ideas and to pick up any new ideas.

We hope you can express your view in one or more of these ways:

There is a quick online survey here:

View more detail information and the draft plan here ParkPlanSurvey [2Mb pdf]

There is a dropーin session at Roseburn Primary School on Wednesday
13th April anytime between 5pm and 8.30pm (64 Roseburn Street).

There will be an update at the Murrayfield Community Council meeting
on Tuesday 19th April at 7.30pm (Murrayfield Parish Church Centre, 2b
Ormidale Terrace.

One thought on “Consultation and draft park plan

  1. I am very supportive of the park vision ideas in general. I think the viability of the Cafe would be greatly enhanced if the bridge near the park building were to be realised.

    I have written to your email address before about tall trees in the park and Ice Rink car park (trees that get to 60 feet high such as beech, oak and sycamore). As you’ll be aware most of these have been cut down and I am wanting them to be restored after the flood works. I am actively trying to persuade the Council of their benefit.

    Its not that they have to be tall when planted, rather that they will mature into tall trees. Sadly the Council planting scheme is for trees that get no taller than about 20 to 30 feet.

    I don’t know if such trees figure in your plans for the park but if you can it would be great if you too were to push for tall trees alongside the more modest ones the Council are planning.

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